Site management requirements

The contractor must fully inform themselves of all legislation and standards associated with Occupational Health and Safety. They must ensure the safety of their employees and all other people on or adjacent to the site. They must comply with the Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Act.

​Works on existing drains

The contractor isn't permitted to enter into an existing underground drain or access shaft. Entering or work in an underground drain must only be done in accordance with the appropriate Australian Standards, Workcover Authority Codes of Practice and our requirements.

If entry to an existing underground drain is required for connection work, the contractor must:

  1. Notify the Superintendent three clear days before the works are ready for connection.

  2. Construct works up to the point of connection.

  3. Excavate and shore the area surrounding the connection point.

  4. Supply all required materials.

  5. Backfill and restore area after completion of the connection in accordance with the requirements of this specification.

Treatment of pavements and other surfaces

  1. All works within road reserves are to be performed as per the requirements of VicRoads and the local municipal council.

  2. Any pavement or surface of any road, footpath, nature strip, median strip, kerbing, channelling or any other thoroughfare disturbed as a result of the works must be continuously maintained as far as practicable, from the time the contractor takes possession of the site until the date of the certificate issued by the municipal Council, in accordance with Clause 9.4. and restored to the requirements of the relevant authority.

  3. Unpaved streets must have the surface restored before they're reopened to traffic.

  4. The surface of any excavation in a sealed road, footpath or other pavement must be restored or provided with a temporary bituminous seal before being reopened to the public.

Obstruction of traffic

The contractor must meet all Vic Roads and/or Council requirements for the management of traffic when works impact on traffic flows and contractors safety.

Storage of materials and equipment

The contractor must store materials, equipment and excavated material in accordance with the requirements of the local municipal council, relevant authority or owner.

No materials are to be stored within the road reserve unless written permission has been granted by VicRoads and the local municipal council. The contractor mustn't store materials, equipment, or excavated material within 30 metres of a drainage line or other surface water features unless otherwise approved by us.

The contractors mustn't store materials equipment, or excavated material under the drip line of existing remnant vegetation.

Obstruction of street drainage

The contractor mustn't obstruct any drains, channels or gutters in any street. These must be diverted where necessary, and appropriate measures taken to allow the free passage of water and control of sediment laden runoff from the worksite. No diversion shall take place without the approval of the superintendent.

Where drainage diversions have been performed as part of the works, all items are to be reinstated using new materials to the satisfaction of the relevant authority and all costs borne by the contractor.

Tram and railway lines

The contractor must gain approval and carry out works that cross any tramway or railway line in accordance with the relevant Authorities' requirements.

Private and public properties

The contractor is liable for the costs relating to any damage caused by the Works to private or public property. Where work is carried out in private property or lands owned by councils or other authorities, whether in an easement, reserve or otherwise, the contractor must:

  1. As far as practicable, confine operations to easements or reserves. If there are no easements or reserves, or the area of the easement or reserve is inadequate, operations should be confined to an area agreed upon between the owner of the land and the contractor.

  2. Refer any case where the owner of the land disputes the contractor's right of entry or the owner and contractor can't agree on the area of operations, to the Superintendent. The contractor mustn't attempt to purchase rights already possessed by us from the owner.

  3. Minimise damage to vegetation.

  4. Not store materials, equipment or excavated material for Works on any lands without the written permission of the owner or controlling authority.

  5. Restore all services, drains, fences, structures and surfaces affected by the Works using new materials to neatly match into the existing. Damaged drains must be replaced with new materials and approved connectors and installed in accordance with the requirements of this specification and the requirements of the relevant authority and local municipal council.

  6. Carry out restoration work in private and public properties within seven days after backfilling the excavation. If the method of work makes the requirements impracticable to implement then the contractor must advise the residents affected and also the Superintendent in writing of the expected compliance date.

  7. Not leave rubbish such as lunch wrappings or bottles and the like in private property.

Protection of the environment

A Site Environmental Management Plan (SEMP) shall be produced.

Fire precautions

  1. Provide, operate and maintain adequate fire fighting equipment for the protection of the Works and its Constructional Plant and take all necessary measures to prevent fire during the execution of work under the Contract and damage to or destruction by fire of the vegetation in and surrounding the area of the Site arising from the contractor's operations.

  2. If any of the contractor's Constructional Plant is powered by an internal combustion engine then that Constructional Plant shall be fitted with fully working and efficient spark emission control devices in accordance with AS 1019 - 2000 Internal combustion engines - Spark emission control devices.

  3. Comply with the requirements of the Country Fire Authority Act and Regulations and ensure all persons on the Site observe these requirements.

  4. Take notice, and implement appropriate strategies, of any announcements by the Country Fire Authority and the Metropolitan Fire Brigade particularly the notification of days of Total Fire Ban.

Control of noise

The operation of all plant and construction equipment shall not cause undue noise, and minimise atmospheric pollution. This may require the use of sound insulated compressors and air tools or other measures as approved by the Superintendent. In all regards comply with the requirements of the Occupational Health and Safety Code of Practice for Noise.

Care of waterways

  1. All proper precautions shall be taken by the contractor to prevent erosion of the bed or banks of any waterway, and to prevent the deposition in any waterway of excavated or eroded materials which may result for the execution of the work under the contract.

  2. Polluted water from any source shouldn't be allowed to enter any waterway, without being first settled and treated to remove the pollution.

Preservation of flora and fauna

The contractor must demonstrate they're fully aware of all flora and fauna issues on the site. This is normally achieved through a flora and fauna assessment.

The contractor mustn't damage, clear or cut back vegetation trees and shrubs more than necessary to enable construction of the works. The lopping of trees must be carried out in a professional manner using appropriate tools. The extent of lopping must be approved by the Superintendent before commencing the work. Tree roots 50 millimetres in diameter or larger, must not be cut. The stumps of all branches and roots cut or broken must be trimmed and painted with a sealant approved by the Superintendent.

All plantings to be maintained for the full duration of the Defects Liability Period, this includes regular inspections of the plants and watering if necessary, and the removal and replacement of dead and dying plants.

Disposal of flora debris

Whenever clearing is required under the contract all trees stumps, roots, brush, rubbish, and any objectionable matter be disposed of in a lawful manner. Burning of material won't be permitted.

Treatment of liquid wastes

Inspect all plant and equipment to be used on the Works for oil and fuel leakage before it enters the Site and inspect all plant and equipment at regular intervals (at least daily) during the period it's on the Site.

Under no circumstances shall the contractor allow any plant or equipment to enter any waterway or allow it to continue operation within the waterway if the plant or equipment is found to be leaking oil or fuel.

If pollution of the soil occurs from the contractor's plant and equipment or spillage of any contaminant, then all contaminated soil shall be removed from the Site and disposed of as in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Protections Authority.

In order to minimise the risk of polluting a waterway all servicing and fuelling of the contractor's plant and equipment shall be carried out at locations remote from any waterway.

Washdown of plant and equipment

To assist in controlling the spread of soil borne diseases and fungi, all plant and equipment required for the construction of work under the contract shall be washed down before any such plant or equipment is brought into the vicinity of the Site.

The washdown of plant and equipment shall remove all soil accumulated on the plant or equipment.

The contractor shall, when carrying out work under the contract within a declared Park, comply with all requirements of Parks Victoria and the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.

Weed control

All weed control activities shall be undertaken in accordance with our Standard Work Procedure for Control of Weeds in Riparian Areas.

Alteration of services

The contractor is to arrange for and bear all costs of the relocation of services affected by the works unless noted otherwise on the drawings. Where alterations of services are necessary, they must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the responsible authority. The contractor must cooperate with all authorities altering services.


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