Developer guides and resources

Learn how to make sure your development is safe from flooding and doesn’t impact other properties or waterways.

Please note these pages will be under review. Updates will be made in accordance with our Flood Management Strategy for Port Phillip and Westernport 2021-2031.

Melbourne Water is empowered under government legislation to provide design and construction standards and conditions with relation to flood management, stormwater quality, sewerage and drainage to ensure developments are safe from flooding and don't impact other properties and waterways. 

To assist with navigating through the complexities of planning and development processes as they relate to Melbourne Water's functions, follow our  step-by-step guides and resources to help ensure you meet our standards and conditions. Click on the tiles below to access these resources. 

Optional pre-development advice
Before you submit your application to Council, you may wish to access our optional advice service to find out in advance if you have met Melbourne Water's standards and conditions. Read more about pre-development services.

Planning permit conditions

Your council planning permit may include conditions you’ll need to agree to, such as:

Any works that you build must meet our design and construction standards, which you’ll find within this section.

    building drainage or water quality works on our behalf

  • paying a contribution towards works that we build
  • other special conditions or financial arrangements
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