Biofiltration systems in Development Services Schemes guidelines

These technical guidelines for developers provide information on the application, design, construction and establishment of biofiltration systems in Melbourne Water Development Services Schemes.

Biofiltration systems (also known as biofilters, raingardens, or bioretention or bio-infiltration systems) are defined as terrestrial stormwater treatment systems – differing from aquatic systems such as constructed stormwater treatment wetlands.

Biofiltration systems proposed in Melbourne Water Development Services Schemes must meet a number of ‘Deemed to Comply Criteria’ or specified core outcomes where no council-specific criteria exist.

Download the guidelines

These guidelines aim to enable the consistent delivery of best-practice biofiltration system assets.

They articulate Melbourne Water’s expectations and requirements, and provide design acceptance pathways (‘Deemed to Comply’ and ‘Alternative Design Acceptance Approach’) for consultants submitting biofiltration system design and construction applications to Melbourne Water, aligned with our wetland and constructed waterway design manuals.

They may also be useful for other professionals within the stormwater management and land development industry.

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