Prepare your plans

You must include preliminary plans and supporting documents that outline your proposed work when applying for approval to connect to our stormwater system.

Supporting documents required

You'll need the following information and documents on hand when you apply:

  • contact details – email, phone and postal address

  • location of the development, including a Melway, VicRoads or VicMap number

  • details about the proposed connection, including whether it is new or upgraded

  • documentation of your plans

Stormwater connection applications should include:

  • a copy of your Certificate of Title

  • a copy of the legal point of discharge advice from council (for new connections that cannot connect to the council system)

  • photographs of the area affected

  • preliminary plans, including standard drawings 

Preliminary plans

Detailed preliminary plans allow us to accurately assess your application. In some cases, we may ask for additional documentation if what you provide is insufficient.

Your preliminary plans need to show at least:

  • size and alignment of the proposed connection, including Melbourne Water’s asset

  • size and alignment of any existing connection to Melbourne Water’s asset

  • the proposed connection angled at 45 degrees downstream to the flow in Melbourne Water’s asset

  • relevant standard drawings

  • detailed plans of the development, including any driveways and landscaping

  • a detailed cross section of the creek and the proposed drain indicating creek invert levels, width, depth top bank and surrounding topography

  • if connecting to open waterways, indicate a pipe outlet velocity no greater than 1.5m/s and include long section indicating grades

All specifications in your plans must meet our stormwater connection requirements.

Approvals from other authorities

You may also need approval from other authorities or private owners who may be affected by the works. We will need evidence of these approvals before we give our final consent for the work.

Apply online

Apply to connect to the stormwater system

Your feedback

Contact us with any comment or queries:

Contact us

If you need any help to complete this application, contact us on 131 722 or email [email protected].

Last updated: