Koo Wee Rup-Longwarry flood protection district

For landholders and residents living in the District, visit our online Koo Wee Rup - Longwarry Community Hub for further for information and updates on our work in the District. Follow the page to receive email notifications with the latest updates. 

This 330km2 district in Melbourne’s southeast is a former swamp, drained in the 1800s for farming. Due to its significant flood risk, property owners pay a special precept rate to fund the higher level of drainage service we provide to the area.

The precept rate is levied in place of the metropolitan Waterways Drainage Charge and is approved by Victoria’s independent regulator – the Essential Services Commission.

Customer service charter

Our Charter governs our dealings with all precept ratepayers in the district. It reflects our ongoing commitment to accessible, quality services, and outlines our service standards and process for complaints or suggestions.
The Charter has been endorsed by the Koo Wee Rup-Longwarry District Advisory Committee.

Terms of reference (ToR) for the Advisory Committee 2024

The Koo Wee Rup Longwarry Flood Protection District Advisory Committee (‘the Advisory Committee’) is a representative forum made up of local residents, landowners and interest groups, Melbourne Water and local councils.

Download our ToR for the Advisory Committee 2024.

Our responsibilities

Alongside Traditional Owners, residents, local councils, and other authorities, Melbourne Water is the caretaker of waterway and catchment health and manages the unique drainage network that helps to reduce flood risk in the area.

Drainage and flood protection

Each year we invest $1.2 million maintaining over 500kms of precept and carrier drains, culverts, floodgates, occupational bridges, fences and flood warning systems. This includes a variety of activities. Expenditure varies year by year; however, a typical spend of the total funds is listed below:

Activity Typical percentage of funds
Grass cutting 24%
Tree work 22%
Desilting 18%
Repair works 14%
Stabilisation 7%
Debris removal 6%
Weed control 5%
Inspections 3%
Office maintenance 2%

Maintenance of precept drains (originating in and draining the local area) is fully funded by the precept rate, while funding of carrier drains (originating outside the district but carrying water from precept drains) is equally shared between the precept rate and Waterways and Drainage Charge.

Sometimes we cant carry out works as quickly as we’d like, due to the presence of threatened and endangered species in the area – including the Southern Brown Bandicoot, Growling Grass Frog and Australian Grayling. Under state and federal law we must seek approval for our work, and demonstrate that habitat will not be disturbed. We ask for your patience and understanding to ensure the future survival of these species.

Drains on private property

Although most drains within the district are managed by us or the local council, many drains within farms and other private properties are the responsibility of the landholder. It's the individual landholder’s responsibility to maintain their property and ensure it drains effectively.

Waterway and catchment health 

In addition to drainage and flood protection, Melbourne Water's role is to protect and improve the health of the waterways and nearby catchment.

The District is an area of high conservation value as it provides wildlife corridors and habitat for nationally significant threatened and endangered species and ecological communities.
We balance this important conservation work with the need to maintain the drains and are always looking for ways for beneficial outcomes for both.

Like all authorities, Melbourne Water must comply with relevant State and Commonwealth legislation when undertaking its works. This can impact time frames and the way we undertake our work.

Koo Wee Rup-Longwarry Flood Protection District Advisory Committee

The advisory committee is a representative, ratepayer-based forum made up of local residents and interest groups, Melbourne Water and local councils.

It makes recommendations to us on a range of matters relevant to the area’s ratepayers and residents, and advises on maintenance and works priorities so that the funds collected via the special precept rate are spent efficiently and equitably.

We convene the committee every four months: twice online and once in person. 

Committee minutes


Contact us

We do our best to make sure the system is working as effectively as possible, but the community is often our best link to where problems exist. Please contact us if you have any maintenance or drainage issues in the area:

 131 722 

 [email protected]

 Let's Talk - Koo Wee Rup–Longwarry Community Hub

 contact us online


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