Stony Creek Rehabilitation Plan

The Stony Creek Rehabilitation Plan (2019-2029) identifies long-term and sustained actions that span recovery to active rehabilitation of the creek and its surrounds.

At Melbourne Water we recognise how valued Stony Creek is in the local community, and how passionate people are about its recovery and rehabilitation – it’s part of what makes living here so great.

That’s why we involved the local community to create a plan based on insights, aspirations and recommended actions that support the long-term rehabilitation and future protection of Stony Creek. The final Stony Creek Rehabilitation Plan was officially launched on 8 September 2019.

Since then, we have continued to work together with the community, research partners and partner agencies towards the recovery and rehabilitation of Stony Creek.

Download the plan

The Stony Creek Rehabilitation Plan identifies a range of key actions for delivery over 10 years, focusing on a 5 km section of the creek from the 2018 fire site in Tottenham to the Stony Creek Backwash (estuary) in Yarraville.

Report on actions 

The third annual Report Card for the Stony Creek Rehabilitation Plan provides an update on the status and progress of actions from September 2021 to August 2022.

The Report Card outlines the work undertaken by Melbourne Water, Maribyrnong City Council, Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA), the local community and research partners. Most actions in the plan have seen significant progress with several projects and initiatives either completed or underway.

Monash University researcher standing in Stony Creek, installing a sensor
Monash researcher installing water quality sensors in Stony Creek

Some of the highlights are:

  • The Stony Creek whole of system litter investigation project identified the key hot spots for litter along Stony Creek and showed where litter comes from and how we can prevent and manage litter more effectively.
  • Aquatic Environmental Stress Research Group (AQUEST) from RMIT University reviewed historic and recent water quality at Stony Creek and found what micro pollutants and contaminants are impacting the waterway. This review recommended how to improve our management of these threats.
  • Monash University, working with EPA and Melbourne Water, developed a water quality sensor network in the industrial areas of the Stony Creek catchment to help EPA officers to respond to pollution as it happens.
  • EPA have been teaching local industry about better practices, helping businesses to understand their stormwater quality obligations. EPA are also working with Maribyrnong City Council to ensure businesses prevent illegal waste from stockpiling and that waste is handled and stored safely so that is doesn’t pollute the environment.

Latest report card

Download the report card for 2021-2022:

Previous report cards

Gum tree overhangs Stony Creek in a natural-looking environment at Yarraville
Stony Creek at Yarraville

Other relevant plans and policies

The Stony Creek Rehabilitation Plan is consistent with agency policies and strategies. These include:

Contact us

If you have feedback or would like more information, contact us:

131 722

[email protected]

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