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View of Werribee River

Summer freshen up to keep waterways healthy

Melbourne Water is constantly tending to rivers, creeks and wetlands to keep them healthy as part of managing the water cycle.

One of the ways through which we maintain the long-term health of our rivers and the plants and animals that depend on them is through the careful management of environmental water flows.

An environmental water release has been completed along the Lower Werribee River to enhance water quality and supplies for plants, native fish and other animals such as frogs and platypus.

A total of around 190 megalitres of water for the environment was released from Melton Reservoir, flowing along the Lower Werribee River and over the Lower Werribee Diversion Weir to support the downstream environment.

The so called ‘summer fresh’ release comes from an account reserved for the river and is carried out in conjunction with the Victorian Environmental Water Holder and Southern Rural Water.

“This freshening flow of water helps with the river’s natural flow patterns and enhances water quality for plant life, fish and other animal habitats, aiding breeding and migration,” said Victoria Penko, Head of Waterway and Catchment Services North West.

“Our waterways are an important resource shared by people, plants and animals. That’s why we help set aside water for the environment to keep them healthy.”

For the Werribee River, environmental flows are released each year and are closely monitored in line with seasonal water plans.

Across rivers and wetlands, studies identify the flows needed to ensure they are effective, and the process can be altered depending on weather conditions such as high rainfall.

“For flows to be most effective, we need to release the right amount at the right time and for the right duration. For example, low summer flows maintain pools that provide shelter for aquatic animals and high autumn flows allow fish and platypus to migrate and breed,” said Victoria.

“We plan environmental releases well in advance based on seasonal conditions, the amount of available water and the environmental outcomes we want to achieve.”

By carefully managing environmental flows everyone benefits from healthy rivers - from more recreational opportunities such as fishing, rowing and birdwatching - to better water quality and economic benefits for farmers and water supply.

For more information about water for the environment see our website: Water for the environment

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 0419 090 458